There is a new book out by Helen Smith entitle Men on Strike: Wh yMen Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood and the American Dream - and Why it Matters. This is a good read to help you understand some things from a man's point of view. But, what you really need to learn is how to keep your husband from leaving you just to be free or to be with someone else.
Men are dropping out of marriage and family responsibility in response to the lack of incentives society offers them to be responsible husbands, fathers and providers. Society, with its myriad of laws, attitudes and hostility against men for the simple crime of happening to be male in this twenty-first century are causing men to strike back and go on strike against traditional marriage and responsibility.
This can be a scary trend for both women/mothers and society in general.
If you have a good man then you need to learn how to hold onto him, have a happy, loving relationship with him and make him grow old with you.
Most men leave a woman or family because their emotional needs are not being met and in most cases they don't know how to express their inner feelings so you can find a way to meet those needs.
There is help for woman though. Check out "Addict Him To You". You can become 'the one' that he wants to be with all the time and 'the one' and only one he wants to grow old with and without him really understanding why.
You will learn how to reach past his defenses, that he doesn't even realize that he is throwing up, and touch his heart deeply so he will be seeing you as different to every other woman he has ever known.
Don't let him slip away. Life with a good man that you love can be wonderful and rewarding.
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